24% of people in the UK have a disability. Does your insight programme include this group? Or, is there a large gap in your consumer understanding?
The UK Purple Pound, the expenditure of people with a disability and their households, is estimated to be £279 billion. Is there a large gap in your sales?
Only 0.06% of ads showcase people with a visible disability. Is there a large gap in your communications with the largest minority group in the UK?
At Untapped Opinions we deliver disability-inclusive insights to close the gap between brands and people with a disability.
Let's talk about closing this gap. Contact Joe Wheller via joe@untappedopinions.com
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Image Description:
Five images below each contain a large purple square and the Untapped Opinions logo.
Centred within each square is another black square that covers 24% of the area of the purple square. Each slide contains one of the bullet-points made in the above post.
Please feel free to download the presentation.